
Minimalist wireless 10-key Num pad the size of a business card using XIAO nRF52840 Sense.

Created for the Seed Fusion DIY XIAO Keyboard Contest presented by FusionPCB.


what is this?

Having already created a BLE keyboard using the XIAO nRF52 in another project, I decided to create a simple keyboard for this keyboard contest that would allow people to easily experience the appeal of the XIAO series.

For this project, I received a PCBA of the XIAO nRF52840 Sense, which I am familiar with as a prize for entering the contest, and finished it with wireless specifications using AAA batteries and an XCL103 step-up voltage board.

The keys are not only for entering numbers from 0 to 9 as on Legend, but also for entering various letters and symbols by pressing other keys while holding each key.

Since I used XIAO nRF52 Sense which has a built-in accelerometer, I could lift the board and move the mouse cursor by the tilt of the board.

I used CircuitPython (and KMK Firmware) for the firmware, which allowed for speedy prototyping.

Finally, since I made the board in the size of a Japanese business card, I added some elements that would introduce myself (such as the keyboard icons I have designed in the past, my handle name and icon, etc.) as silks. I am very satisfied with the quality.


Order PCBA through Gallery

You can order PCBA with simple operation.

Other Material

Component Quantity
Kailh MX Socket 10
XCL103 step-up voltage board 1
AAA Battery Holder 1
slide switch 1